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This page provides important information regarding the Class of 2025 Graduation, including requirements, important dates, and events. 

If you are unable to find the information you are looking for on the page, please contact our Activities Director, Rachel Parker, at

Class of 2025 Ceromony

Date and Time 

Friday, May 16th at 7pm at Red Rocks Amphitheatre


Important Senior Dates (2024-2025)

Please review the link and mark your calendars for all of the important upcoming senior dates.

Important Graduation and Senior Dates

  • Senior Panoramic Photo- January 10th during Seminar
  • Mandatory Senior Graduation meeting- April 1st during Seminar
  • Senior Finals- May 8th and 9th 
  • Senior Send Off- Shaving Cream Shenanigans- May 9th at 3:20pm
  • Mandatory Senior Check Out- May 15th from 9-11am. Receive Cap/Gown
  • Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal- May 15th at 3:30m in the main gym
  • Senior BBQ- May 15th after grad rehearsal 
  • Parade of Graduates at Elementary Schools- May 15th at 2:00pm 
  • Graduation!!- May 16th, 2025 at 7pm at Red Rocks

Caps and Gown

You should have ordered your cap, gown, and tassel for the ceremony. If you still need to order please contact Jostens asap.  For questions about your Jostens order please email: or call 303-985-0095  

Cap, gowns, and cords will be distributed at graduation practice on May 15th from 9-11am during Senior check out. Cap and Gowns will NOT be distributed to students unless all of their Fees/Fines have been taken care of priority to graduation rehearsal.  Please do not wait until the last minute. 

If you plan to borrow a cap/gown from a previous graduate, please make sure it has the Navy with cardinal stripes on the gown

Outstanding Student Fees and fines

Caps and gowns will not be distributed to Senior students unless all fees and fines have been paid, from all four years of high school.

Those needing to view or pay student fines and fees can log in to Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

Graduation Agreement

All students must submit a graduation agreement in order to walk at Red Rocks. Graduation Agreement - Due no later than April 18th to main office.

Graduation Rehearsal/Senior BBQ

May 15th @ Dakota Ridge High School       

9-11am-  Senior Check-out/ Cap/Gown distribution - 10:00am 

3:30-4:30pm- Graduation rehearsal in the Large Gym. 

4:30-6:30pm- Senior BBQ 

**Students must attend rehearsal if they plan to participate in the ceremony at Red Rocks.

Graduation Ceremony Information and Ceremony Expectations

Dakota Ridge High School Graduation will be at Red Rocks Amphitheater on Friday, May 16, 2025 at 7:00pm. Doors open at 6pm. 

There are no tickets required to attend graduation. Due to the size of the venue, we do not put a limit on guests.

Graduation Ceremony Itinerary


Seniors will receive their diplomas at graduation after they exit the stage. Diplomas are ordered during 1st semester; legal names are printed on diplomas.


We understand that Red Rocks can be a difficult venue to navigate for our guests with disabilities as well as our older guests. Please read through the following information before reaching out with questions. 

ADA Seating, parking, and shuttle information

**You do not need to contact the school if you plan to use the shuttle or reserved seating. It is available to all guests who need it, free of charge.


Red Rocks charges $12.50 per car or $15 at the gate (cc only). We encourage everyone to purchase parking tickets in advance. Give yourself plenty of time to find parking and make the strenuous walk to the venue. 

Link to purchase parking-  Coming Soon

Red Rocks Map


The Graduation Ceremony will take place rain or shine. Please plan accordingly based on the weather. 

If the weather is severe enough, we will move the ceremony to an alternate location. If this occurs, please check the Dakota Ridge website as well as our social media platforms for updates.

Grad Photos and Ceremony Live Stream

Lifetouch is looking forward to capturing your Graduate’s image on May 16, 2025

Photographs from the event will be available for you 3-5 weeks after graduation.

Use the attached link to view and order your portraits.

Dakota Ridge High School:  


Graduation will be live streamed for anyone who will not be able to attend in person. The Link will also be posted on the Dakota Ridge homepage the day of the event

Past Graduation Ceremonies

Information to come 

2024 Graduation Recording

In case you missed the live event, check out the recordings of the 2024 Graduation. 

Wowza Productions Video Link

Contact Us

Rachel Parker, Activities Director
Phone: 303-982-3879