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English as a Second Language (ESL)

English as a Second Language in Jeffco

Welcome multilingual learners and families!

Multilingual learners contribute to a strong academic environment, creating schools where diverse communities thrive.

Jeffco's English as a Second Language (ESL) program supports multilingual learners academically and linguistically. Teachers and tutors from the Department of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) use a range of strategies to help students who are learning English access rigorous, grade-level content while developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English.

ESL at Dakota Ridge High School

Discover the gateway to language proficiency with the Dakota Ridge High School (DRHS) ESL Department. Tailored for students acquiring English as an additional language, our programs provide a supportive and immersive environment.

Through dynamic language instruction and cultural integration, we empower students to thrive academically and socially in their English language journey.

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