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Clubs & Activities

Many parents ask what is the value for students to become involved in clubs and activities. Research has shown that students involved in clubs and activities typically have better grades and excel in the areas of performance. In addition, activities and clubs help contribute to a student's self-respect, increase self-esteem and confidence, and emphasize the value of teamwork. Activities and clubs also tend to sustain motivation in school.

We encourage all students to become involved in clubs and activities to enrich the high school experience.


DRHS offers several levels of vocal music. Classes meet during the school day and students perform in concerts at DRHS and festivals around the state.

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Instrumental Music

DRHS offers several levels of vocal music. Classes meet during the school day and students perform in concerts at DRHS and festivals around the state.

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DRHS students interested in print journalism can enroll in Reporting and Editing to become staff writers for The Cord News. The school's weekly broadcast, The Ridge Review, is produced by students enrolled in Broadcast Production and Television Production.

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Student Leadership

Students can elevate their high school experience by becoming a part of DRHS Student Leadership. As a catalyst for student-driven initiatives and positive change, we invite you to lead, engage and make a lasting impact on our school community.

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DRHS Thespian Troupe 5837, through the school’s Upstart Crow Theatre Company, is the honor theatre organization that produces three main stage productions a year along with a dinner theatre and a night of “one acts.” All students are welcome to participate; you do not need to be in a theatre class to be involved in the shows.

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Dive into a compilation of memories, achievements and smiles that define your high school years.

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Additional Clubs