Adrienne Marko

Adrienne Marko pic

Adrienne Marko

English Language Arts Teacher
Journalism and Broadcast Media Adviser

Email: [email protected]

Voicemail: (303) 982-8722

Courses (2024-2025)
Block 1:  English 11
Block 2:  English 11
Block 4:  English 12 Research & Technical Writing (Comm Tech)
Block 5:  Junior Seminar
Block 6:  Journalism Beginning and Journalism Intermediate
Block 7:  Media Production Beginning and Media Production Intermediate

STUDENTS:  Please email me ([email protected]) if you need a Google Classroom code for any of the above courses.

Please visit your Google Classroom for all agendas and important documents. 


I have been teaching at Dakota Ridge High School since 2015.  Before teaching, I worked in marketing, promotions, and licensing in Southern California. As an English teacher, I love integrating my own business and communications experience with language arts studies so students can begin to see the importance and relevance that their education provides.  As a media adviser, I get to tap into my original interest in journalism and share that sense of inquiry and responsibility with the The Cord News  and The Ridge Review staff members. There is no better place to teach and learn than Dakota Ridge.

Education & Credentials

  • BA in Broadcast Journalism, Minor in English Creative Writing, California State University Long Beach
  • MA in Curriculum & Instruction, University of Denver
  • CDE Professional Teacher License: 
    Secondary English Language Arts Education
    Secondary CTE Journalism & Broadcasting
    Secondary CTE Integrated Communications


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